Mediation among Partners

Further to partnership agreement signed in 2017, all involved Hydro Companies jointly decided to involve GETINET as mediating agency and formally appointed GETINET as their planning/communication coordinator and supporting consultant to fluidify all interactions and tasks executed under the partnership agreeements in the territory covered by the Agreement (Asia).
We should have been following and monitoring all offers preparation and should have met all potential Asian Customers together with the Indian Company and on behalf of Italian Companies so to ensure that all Customers needs would have been addressed and the right strategy defined among all Parties without facilitating one party only.
We started interacting with all Partners to mitigate any potential issue or misunderstanding during any deal or job execution. We met all Customers to understand their approach to business and draft a suitable marketing strategy. All local Customers know us and are keen to discuss with us their concerns that we may follow up with all Partners to find together a proper solution and way forward every time. Now all local Customers feel us as an important player, along with the other Partners, to execute their jobs and grant rigour.